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west kowloon heliport中文是什么意思

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  • 西九龙直升机场


  • West kowloon heliport commences full operations , ( 7122003 )
    西九龙直升机场全面投入运作( 7122003 )
  • West kowloon heliport
  • Helicopters hong kong limited was awarded development and management rights for the west kowloon heliport through an open tender exercise conducted earlier in the year
  • The new west kowloon heliport , located at the southern tip of the west kowloon reclamation , is now available for domestic helicopter services , a spokesman for the civil aviation department ( cad ) said today ( december 7 )
  • Occupying an area of about 7 , 910 square metres , the west kowloon heliport comprises one landingtake - off pad and three parking pads . it can accommodate both single and twin - engine helicopters up to a maximum take - off weight of 5 , 500 kilograms and an overall lengthwidth of 16 metres
  • The new west kowloon heliport s 80 , 000 sq ft facility at the southern part of kowloon west reclamation area is an ideal venue for vip entertainment , public relations functions , press conferences , product launches , fun carnivals , fireworks displays and private parties
    全新的西九直升机场占地80 , 000平方尺,位于西九填海区南端。在此举行招待贵宾的娱乐活动公关活动新闻发布会产品发布会,甚至热闹有趣的嘉年华烟花观赏以及私人派对,同样理想不过。
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